AGTIV® Inoculant Storage And Handling
Get our tips on storage and handling of AGTIV® inoculants to maintain maximum viability and the physico-chemical properties of the products.
The active ingredients contained in AGTIV® inoculants are living organisms. Storage and handling of these products must respect a few basic guidelines for the organisms to maintain maximum viability and the physico-chemical properties of the products.
Here are a few of the main guidelines, and a short explanation if you ever wondered why it’s important to follow them. If not, we still invite you to carefully read the product label as it holds all the information about product storage and handling, for safety purposes, and to maintain product quality.
As they are living organisms, active ingredients in AGTIV® products have a limited lifespan. AGTIV® products guarantee the minimum viable organisms and efficacy of products up to the date written on each label.
Depending of the product type or formulation (powder, granular, liquid), the active ingredients will not have the same shelf-life and even the same tolerance to temperature variations.
Skids are designed to hold the right quantity of bags and the weight of double-stacking creates additional compaction on the bags, thus compacting granules. This causes physical damage to granules and creates more fine particles, thereby affecting the consistency and flowability of the product.
PRO-MIX® growing media integrated active ingredients represents sales of over 51 million cubic feet of peat each year. Also, nearly one million acres in-field (450,000 hectares) are treated with AGTIV® active ingredients by producers in North America and Europe.
Discover how AGTIV® strengthens partnerships and drives agricultural success in 2025 with innovative biological products that boost crop performance. Reflecting on 2024's achievements, we thank our partners and introduce new tools, resources, and opportunities for the coming season.